Semua orang ade impian masing-masing. Tak kirelah sama ada akan tercapai atau tidak tercapai. Impian hanya sekadar impian. Kalau kite dapat mencapai impian tuh. Itu hanya satu bonus bagi kite kan? Ape impian Fahmie? Ape yang Fahmie harapkan dalam hidup nie? Ape yang Fahmie nak dapat sebelum Fahmie meningkat usia?? Berikut Fahmie senaraikan 100 Wishes Fahmie yang Fahmie harap Fahmie akan tercapai walaupun ade yang mustahil.
100 Wishes:
1. have a girlfriend for couple
2. for me to pass the semester
3. graduate from a college
4. get a good job
6. for that one relationship with Love Interest™ to come true.
10. to finally start collecting Gundam Collection and put on my wardrobe
11. to finally be in a healthy, working, loving relationship with someone
12. meet with Eminem and tell him how cool he is
13. meet with Micheal Buble and personally thank him for their music
15. would be lucky enough to kiss Ayumi Hamasaki (*wink*)
19. kick the robbery's ass coz take my N-Gage phone and all the money
20. reading as my new hobby during free time
21. create my own website that 'll take all the money someone subscribe
22. wear a Man Kajang Collection dress on my wedding day (Yes, i HAVE thought bout it)
24. more Need For Speed expansion packs
25. Go to uptown of Japan and New York and just soak in the city
26. to have a white FAT Persian female cat and call it "Lollita" (Sory Syida...hehe)
29. to live in chic, modern apartment and furniture all from Ikea
31. have a great lady boss (wow..)
35. complete a masterpiece that I’ll treasure forever, like Da Vinci to the Mona Lisa
36. watch a theater musical with my beloved
37. legally have my driving license
38. have a leather jacket (something like Jack Afron wearing)
42. more shoes and sandals
43. to find a perfect coffee shop to get my daily dose everyday
44. still being able to afford the monthly accessory and brand new sneekers.
45. to buy one frilly costume, wear it and not look gaudy ala HaraJuku style.
48. go to remote places not like Japan or Taiwan, more like Goa/Calcutta or Yangon :)
49. visit the ancient Egypt master piece and see with my own eyes of the Mummy
50. go to a prom/dance, because I've never in my life!
52. more road trips with The Gang, this time to more beaches or even outside the country!
55. to one day, get married to the woman of my dreams
56. ride a go kart and drive like a crazy with the Gangs
58. to read more, you’d be surprised at how atrocious some of today’s writings are (I’m looking at you Twilight)
59. brush up on my Mandarin, I still have my old workbooks haha
68. to win a contest (big contest)
69. stop smoking ---arggh dis one is hard to get
70. to own a new Mini Cooper
72. to have a proper Halloween party
73. joint a crazy theme party with Lady Gaga VS Katy Perry theme..uuuuu
75. got an Apple Macbook Pro the latest model
77. she coming back to me
79. have an offer continue my study on Event Management at UiTM Shah Alam making my degree
81. jogging at the beach early in the morning and wearing full set Nike
82. one night at luxury boat
83. personally meat the Donalds Trum and be his new apprentices
84. lucky enough to spend whole day with my first love
85. go overseas to watch Chelsea on Final
86. learning with David Backhem how he use BIO MECHANICS during free kick
87. have own jet plane travel every weeks
88. have a great amount of money on my account
90. have a new identity card on age of 21 coz my face awful
92. shopping with a visa titanium card (hope so)
93. meet again with Ezaty Hassan, Akmal Hilmi, Tia, and Farhana Fatin. Damn i really miss you dear.
94. meet someone that i never meet before that is , Bee Nisa, and Qia (aha.. all of them ladies haizz)
95. finish reading of great novel
96. found the mystery gurl on my dream that is my classmate during Tabika Kemas 1995
98. watch sunset with my love one
100. write another 100 wishes hahaha
Ade 59 wish lagi yang belum terlaksana. Bile la nak terlaksana semuanyer.
p/s: Apesal Fahmie tulis bahasa Inggeris kerana kalau dalam bahasa melayu tak menarik bacenyer nanti.
p/s/s: Fahmie tertanyer-tanyer korang punyer 100 wishes ape pulak?
p/s/s/s: Fahmie mencabar kepada sesiapa yang membace entry nie untuk menulis 100 wishes jugak.
p/berape banyak s lah: Kalau dah buat 100 wishes. Bagi tawu Fahmie yerk.
29 Organisma:
Hahaha~!!!! Gua sudah men go-kart macam orang gila~ giler bez~!!!! Woot woot! ^0^ Tengoklah...kalo ade mase nak bwat 100 wish...tettttt~~~
wah2..mesti best kan main go kart...ala..pas ni ajak la fahmie ...
@Zulfahmi Abidin
Bez yg tidak terhingga~ ^0^ Bleh2~ asal fahmie belanja. Hahah~!
eleh..konon nk jeles kn org nie..tak heran.nanak la blanje.bawk mak lagi bagus.wek.
@Zulfahmi Abidin
Yer...nak jeleskan fahmie. Bez giler giler men go kart~!!!! Wooohooo~~ langgat2 org, kene langgar pun ade...accident pun ade, langgar tong drum. haha~! drift sane, drift sini. xDD Uishh~ susah hati kalo mak hang tgk hang maen bende tu...haha~ xD
yui kejam..tak nk kawan yui..
@Umie Nadhirah
tapi nk buat lagi 100 nie ha....
apal takde wish untuk jumpa sofie..?? hahaha
@Sophia Rani
sophie tak ckp pon nk jumpe fahmie mcm ne nk jmpe...eleh...msg pn takde..
uiks..ko pernah bermalam dlm haunted house ke..kat mane tu..ade jumpa pape tak? ngehh..
alaa.. macam tu pulak.. ;p
@Nizam Limited
takde jmpe ape pon...siap ckp besar lagi kat sane..tipu la org masyarakat kate umah tuh berantuh..
tempatnyer Villa Nabila..aku pegi mase tahun 2007.....
@Sophia Rani
so ape kate sophie bagi no phone..then kte aturkan perjumpaan.nak???
hahaha... leh je... nnt ym je laa..
@Sophia Rani
ades..skrg tak boleh ker...(teruja)
omg!!! banyakny wishes;DDD nk jugak la make wishes list mcmni. hahahha.. pasti lebih lucu liatnya.
hehehe.okey buat lah..nanti bagi twu k...
@Zulfahmi Abidin
Hahaa~ xD baru taw yui kejam...xDD tak nk kawan? T__T
a'ah eak bile mase yui baik.wek2....yer..nanti dah nk kawan bagi twu ye...hehee
@Zulfahmi Abidin
-_-" nak kene budak nie. Boooo~ haha
wait for my 100 wishes pulak yea ^__^
most wishes dkt sama kot . tp nanti ime wat 100 wishes yang laen drpd org laen . hhe tgh tunggu la nie.hehehe
@imiarun mcm ne leh dekat same lak..tipu jer..
bahasa penjajah ! ! !
benci !
@Nur Hafizah bte Za'ba a.k.a SuperCSI Fiza sejak bile la ko benci bahase penjajah.^_^
Il semble que vous soyez un expert dans ce domaine, vos remarques sont tres interessantes, merci.
- Daniel
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